Table of Legislation
Table of legislation
Western Australia
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Bulk Handling Act 1967 (WA)

section 34D(2)(b)

section 34D(4)

section 51(1)

section 51(3)


Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (WA)

section 88(1)

section 97A(1)

section 99A(1) 

section 101(1)


Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA)

section 123(1)

section 125(2)


Electricity Industry Act 2004 (WA)


Energy Coordination Act 1994 (WA)


Fish Resources Management Act 1994 (WA)

section 66(1)

section 83(1)

section 92(1)


Jetties Act 1926 (WA) 

section 8A


Land Administration Act 1997 (WA)

section 48(1)

section 91(5)


Liquor Control Act 1988 (WA)

section 30A(1)


Mining Act 1978 (WA)


Offshore Minerals Act 2003 (WA)


Pearling Act 1990 (WA)


Personal Property Securities (Consequential Repeals and Amendments) Act 2011 (WA)


Perth Parking Management Act 1999 (WA)

section 9(1)


Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources Act 1967 (WA)


Petroleum Pipelines Act 1969 (WA)


Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 (WA)


Public Trustee Act 1941 (WA) 

section 63(1)

section 63(2)


Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2006 (WA)

section 32(1)


Taxi Act 1994 (WA)

section 16


Transport Co-ordination Act 1966 (WA)


Water Services Act 2012 (WA)


Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (WA)

section 15(1) 


Warehousemen's Liens Act 1952 (WA)

section 4(1)


Western Australian Marine Act 1982 (WA)

section 71(3)



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